Wednesday 1 June 2022

New PC games: download “Goetia 2” on Fuze Forge’s website

Are you tired of playing the same gaming titles all the time? If so, you should have a look at Fuze Forge. New PC games are regularly added to this platform. Right now, you can download “Goetia 2” via the site. It is an adventure project in which a character named Luca has to find his way back to his girlfriend after he was turned into a demon. During your journey, you will need to solve puzzles and navigate a strange world to complete your quest. For more information concerning this adventure game, check out Fuze Forge’s “Store” category. The downloading process is easy on the project. Simply collect your steam key to unlock all the features of the title on your computer.

The game cover of Goetia 2

Visit Fuze Forge to access “Goetia 2”

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