Thursday 13 May 2021

Esports: discover tutorials for “League of Legends” on Fuze Forge

Getting started in esports video games can be tricky. Titles such as “League of Legends” have a steep learning curve which might make it harder for beginner players to progress. However, thanks to Fuze Forge’s tutorials, you will be able to learn the basics of the competitive project and win all your future matches!

A round of “League of Legends” opposes two teams of five gamers on the “Summoner’s Rift”, a playing field made up of three big lanes. Each lane is patrolled by minions which serve as a source of gold for the characters and can help you when fighting enemies. Furthermore, the groups have their own base with a Nexus which players will have to protect. The first team to take down its opponents’ Nexus wins the match.

Even if the gameplay seems simple, it can be quite difficult to stand out on the map. Thanks to Fuze Forge’s esport videos, you will understand the best strategies to use in combat. In addition, the gaming site has clips to help you learn the different skills of each champion of “League of Legends”. Familiarising yourself with the abilities of all the personas will allow you to perform better during a round.

On top of tutorials, you can also find esport news about upcoming championships on Fuze Forge. Visit the platform for more details.

picture of league of legends

Watch tutorials for popular esport games on Fuze Forge

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